Continuous Improvement Planning
What is the Continuous Improvement Process?
Schools and districts in Oregon are called upon to engage in continuous improvement work to improve outcomes for students. A continuous improvement process is the process by which districts and schools:
Determine what is working and what needs to change;
Establish a process to engage stakeholders to effect change;
Leverage effective practices to implement a plan;
Use data to monitor and make timely adjustments to improve outcomes.
The continuous improvement process results in the development of an ambitious, priority-driven
action plan where routine collaboration and decision-making among district leaders is reflected
throughout implementation.
The CIP committee meets each fall to review the existing plan and to update five, three and one
years goals as needed. The focus of our current improvement plan is addressing lost learning
as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as addressing concerns revealed in our Family
Climate and Culture survey.
To view the MRA Continuous Improvement Plan, please click HERE.